The Most Life-Transforming 99 Second Video You May Ever Watch

The Most Life-Transforming 99 Second Video

General Dentists:
"Discover a Breakthrough Paradigm
Shift to REDUCE Stress, Have More Fun,
WORK  Less, and Make a LOT  More Money."

"How to Build a Robust Referral Network of Local Clergy"

When a parishioner asks Clergy who to see for dental care, odds are high your new patient will show up and accept your recommendations for care.

Discover exactly what to say to the leaders of your local religious organizations to build instant rapport and begin a journey which will result in an ongoing stream of new patient referrals year in and year out.

Building a referral network of local Clergy is FUN, REWARDING & EASY!

Why a new patient referred by local clergy is the only more powerful referral than those you receive from existing patients



How I accidentally stumbled upon one of my most profitable endless referral streams. Although I wish I could say that my building a robust ongoing referral network of local clergy was a Gem I conceived on purpose, once you understand how it really happened you will be able to replicate it rapidly and with ease.

One sentence which will get you a face to face meeting with pretty much any and every clergyman and clergy woman of your choice.

The amazing true story of a midnight Church service to which I was invited, and the unexpected gift Pastor Murillo de Silva presented me in front of nearly 800 parishioners.

A problem most clergy face with some of their parishioners on occasion, and the solution you may offer them.

Why your team will be especially enthusiastic and supportive of your building a local network of referring clergy.

The reason local clergy well gladly refer their parishioners to your practice.

Why building an endless stream of referrals from local clergy is truly Marketing in a vacuum at its finest. A Gem none of your local competition will ever think to deploy.

When I joined GEMS I was about 6 ½ months pregnant. I had a lot going on and wanted to get my practice stabilized and on a good path. The biggest benefit from GEMS has been the growth of the practice. I started seeing results literally in the first 2 days. It took no time at all!

Accountability is key to success. My concierge  makes me get off my butt and do what I need to do! I’d rate the program a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10!  It’s fantastic! Just short of having someone come in and hold your hand.  Tom’s GEMS program is the ultimate way to get things accomplished.

Joining the program has given me the confidence to do the things I needed to do in my practice. Tom’s program has transformed my life to where I’m not so concerned about the day to day. I used to worry is there money in the bank? Whatever I need to provide for my son I’ll be able to do it. Since starting the program I feel less stress at work.

My staff loves working with Tom. They ask him all sorts of questions and he’s so lovable and sweet and full of information that he always answers them and always does it in a light hearted manner, which is great. It’s a truly wonderful atmosphere.

Tom’s team bonus system is great. It helps motivate everybody. They want to get on board and do whatever it takes. His program helps keep everyone accountable.

If you are pondering whether GEMS is the right choice for you, stop thinking about it. Get up and sign up. You will be given all the tools you need to change your life. GEMS is a coaching program unlike any other that you’ve ever encountered!

and Get a FREE BONUS:

Gems Platinum Membership
FREE BONUS WITH YOUR VIDEO MASTERCLASS: Enjoy your FREE TEST-DRIVE of Gems Platinum Membership. Your credit card will not be charged the usual $497 monthly fee until week 7. Platinum membership is month-to-month, no long-term obligation. You may cancel at any time. 

All I ask is that you watch the video and decide for yourself. If you don't feel you received way more value than your investment, just let me know and I'll REFUND every penny you invested in my VIDEO MASTERCLASS, "How to Build a Robust Referral Network of Local Clergy"

Dr. Kelly Brown's Story from Tragedy to 8-Figure Success


COVID dealt a hard blow to many businesses. Dentists were hit hard.

The good news is that there will be dentists who not only recover… but THRIVE.

This is a comprehensive Step-By-Step Plan to recover the money you lost … and then some!

Over the last 20 years we’ve helped thousands of dentists rescue practices on the brink of bankruptcy… showing not just how to “survive,” but to thrive. 

Identify your patients’ greatest concern and you’ll have taken a giant step towards welcoming them back to your practice post-COVID 19. HINT: Sure, they’re concerned about infection control, but this issue goes way deeper than that and cannot be solved by infection control measures.

What many of your patients would appreciate the most, dentists offer the least. In fact, 90% of dentists have never given this breakthrough concept a thought. It’s easy to deploy, will cost you nothing and in fact will be more productive in less time.

The one Gem you can do for your patients that few if any of your local competition would ever consider. Deploy this Gem and you’ll be busier than you can imagine, right out of the gate, post-COVID.

Why deploying “The one Gem your local competition would never consider” will ALSO make your team really happy!

How applying Alan’s concept of taking 27 weeks off per year (yes, you read that right) could actually help you address your patients’ greatest post-virus concern. Sure, this sounds counterintuitive… before the pandemic we took 3 weeks off per year. After the virus now we’re going to take 27 weeks off? 

The short answer is YES. During the webinar you’ll learn exactly how to accomplish taking more time off… making your patients happier, and your practice more productive.

Avoid this innocent verbal error which could cost you patients during the “new normal.” You can train your team on this one important sentence in less time than it takes to pour your morning cup of Java.

The ingenious scheduling secret GEM deployed by one of my Gems Family members, helping her achieve $5,000,000.00 per year… in a single location!

This 20-year paradigm shift could fill your chairs with appreciative patients who’ll actually LOOK FORWARD to visiting your practice.

Discover the paradox of reducing your dependence on managed care at just the time (post-COVID) you thought you could least afford to do so by laser-focused target marketing to this group of patients.

Even if you identify and conquer your patients’ greatest concern and they’re willing to show up in your office, this NEW OBSTACLE will prevent many of your best patients from scheduling recommended care, unless you train your team exactly what to say when patients are about to walk out your front door without scheduling needed care.

Learn your “Gems Ratio” in order to make one of the smartest business decisions to potentially add MULTIPLE SIX FIGURES to your revenue.

Discover a simple formula for RISK MITIGATION and MAXIMUM PROFITABILITY.

Mrs. Jones, a brand-new patient, walks in through your front door. No referral. Seems like a very nice lady. She recently moved to your area from out-of-state. This morning she broke her front right central clean in half. She’s a server at a local diner and she’s got to be at work for the dinner shift tonight. She needs a root canal, build-up and temporary crown. She’s highly motivated to accept and commence the care you’ve recommended. EXCEPT for one thing…

Discover what I gave nearly every patient that didn’t cost me a penny yet was often appreciated more than their words could express. You can (SHOULD) deploy this Gem the day you return to practice. Once you do, when you see the reaction in your patients’ eyes (and hearts) you’ll want to continue to do this until the day you hang up your drill.

Mike was only 6-years old when visiting his grandfather’s farm, he learned a lesson far beyond his years… a lesson that would last him a lifetime. When you discover the “Gem” Mikey learned that day on the farm, you’ll know how to engage and RALLY YOUR TEAM to help you rebuild your practice and your lives.



I have a very small practice. It’s just me, one assistant and a front desk person. Before GEMS my practice was losing patients. My town has had ZERO growth for 6 years and my efforts to get patients weren’t working.

Thanks to Tom and GEMS I’m back to loving dentistry again!

It took just two weeks for me to see our production double!

They start with what Tom likes to call “The low hanging fruit.”  Some really easy techniques that really make a big difference in the health of your patient and the health of your practice!

Choose just half dozen or so strategies you like and your practice just skyrockets! After just two weeks my team was so excited when they saw how much we’d improved without that much effort. They love it!

In our hearts we know  patients need what we are recommending.  We want them to have and accept the treatment. Now, having the right words gives me confidence.

It only took 90 minutes to implement our very first “Gem.” We started applying it right away and in just two weeks we had a huge bump. It really didn’t take much at all!

The only way it wouldn’t work is if you didn’t do it! So  just do it and you won’t believe the results. If you’re considering joining GEMS just do it. I can’t imagine not having joined GEMS.  It’s been such a huge life changer.

On a scale of 1 to 10, honestly I think GEMS is an 11!  

I never expected to do this well this quickly. Tom’s program has changed my life.

Just one doc and a small Team… but thanks to GEMS, a BIG INCREASE of $430,204.00!


Did you know that each month less than 1% of your active patients refer to your practice?

It’s sad, but we prefer to think of it as an amazing OPPORTUNITY.

If you have 1800 active patients and get 15 referrals each month, only 8/10ths of 1% refer every month. 99% don’t refer!

You’ll likely never reach a 10% referral rate but doubling or tripling to 2 or 3% is achievable and incredibly profitable!

This Gem shows you how!

The astounding math behind MMR (Monthly Referral Rate) which, when understood, will open your eyes to one of the easiest to access LARGEST UNTAPPED GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES in your dental practice 

When you know the FOUR REASONS even your HAPPIEST PATIENTS DON’T REFER, you’ll be able to take effective action to counteract each one and motivate TONS more of your existing happy patients to ROUTINELY REFER their friends, family and co-workers.

Learn how one doctor GUARANTEED 10 Extra New Patient Referrals at the start of EVERY month… an EXTRA 120 new patients per year, LINING UP at his door… GUARANTEED.

A ZERO-RISK NEW PATIENT ATTRACTION STRATEGY that costs you 60% LESS than your average cost of acquisition AND comes with an IRON CLAD GUARANTEE… YOU DON’T PAY if THEY DON’T SHOW!”

A SIMPLE INEXPENSIVE “Gem” to get BRAND NEW patients to refer their co-workers… even BEFORE they’ve stepped foot in your practice for their very first visit!

A “4 WORD QUESTION” to ask your new patient on the phone before they hang up. Learn and deploy these 4 words and add 10% more new patients than you’re currently scheduling!

How to IDENTIFY and MOTIVATE the right 12 patients in your practice to generate 144 referrals from your OTHER patients in the next 12 months. Creating your TOP TWELVE “B.O.D.!”

How to know 24 hours in advance (your “Crystal Ball”) which patients to ask for referrals

How to use Cialdini’s psychological triggers to get 68% of patients you ask, to actually RESULT in a new patient referred to your practice!

The Most Outrageous (Outrageously EFFECTIVE) New Patient Offer Ever attempted and how it was the DRIVING FORCE behind a $6,000,000.00 practice

When physicians refer a patient to a specific dentist… patients not only listen… but they have a higher tendency to TRUST and ACCEPT your recommendations for care. Discover how to STIMULATE LOCAL MDs to refer their patients to your practice!

Do you have one or more hospitals within 5 miles of your practice? Learn how I routinely got nurses I’d never met to refer NEW patients to a practice in which they’d never stepped foot… MINE!

Know which patients are most likely to RESPOND FAVORABLY to a REFERRAL REQUEST and the SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN exact TWO MOMENTS at which your request for referral has THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE ODDS of success!

How to get local business owners to happily refer dozens of full fee-for-service new patients

Seize the advantage of neuro-linguistics by deploying these five words guaranteed to help your happy patients help you by identifying exactly who in their lives would make a great referral

Knowing WHERE to look for the super cool $15 to $20 patient gifts for just $0.18 to $0.22 is only the first step… You’ll need this $.05 tool to ensure you’ll have ACCESS to GET them!

How to determine exactly which $15 to $20 Gifts your patients and prospective patients would want… and VALUE the most… thus increasing the perceived value of every gift you give

How you can LEGALLY give a GIFT FOR REFERRAL from patients EVEN in states which FORBID rewarding referrals with gifts 

WHERE to find a virtually limitless supply of super cool $15 to $20 Gifts your patients will USE AND LOVE for just $0.18 to $0.22 each!

Discover the $.05 Tool that will All but GUARANTEE the SUCCESS of Your New Patient Referral TRIPLING Machine

How to EASILY (and CHEAPLY) add $200,000.00 per year in EXTRA New Patient Referrals!



My practice before GEMS was pretty much on its last legs. The economy was not in great shape and my patients were dwindling. I was pretty desperate. I think I was about 6 months away from just chucking dentistry at that point. Yeah I really needed something to help me continue.

GEMS has helped me immensely in all areas of my practice. We’ve actually nearly doubled our production in the 4 years that we’ve been with GEMS! There is so much it can teach you things you don’t even know you’re not doing.

The individual coaching calls have made a huge impact in my practice. They give me answers to the questions I have and they also solve problems I have. The website is fantastic. There are so many different ideas on how you can improve your practice and overall your life.

$60,000.00 Increase in 30 Days!

It didn’t take very long for me to see an improvement in my practice once I started implementing the processes that are available in GEMS.

I’d say within the first month it was already increasing by 10%. I’d say one pleasant surprise I received by working with the GEMS Program was the whole sense of family and community that was there and available to you. If you had a problem someone was there to help you out whether it was a staff member or another doctor who was in the program.

Quality of Life

Being a member of Tom’s GEMS Program has tremendously improved my overall quality of life. As I said, before I joined I was about ready to just give up on dentistry and now I look forward to going to work. My lifestyle has definitely improved.


If you believe, as I do, that Fluoride is even more important for adults than kids, then you'll enjoy this BREAKTHROUGH VERBAL SKILL your hygienist can learn in minutes and deploy that very same day.

Discover 7 Simple Sentences proven to get 80% of adults to accept and PAY OUT-OF-POCKET for Fluoride, adding $40,000 to $50,000/year, /RDH.

Will It Work in My Town?

After working with thousands of dentists in every part of the United States, Canada and countries all across the globe, I can tell you with confidence a RESOUNDING YES.

When your hygienist understands why Fluoride is so important for adults and deploys the 7 Simple Sentences, your results will speak for themselves.

Why topical Fluoride is a CRITICAL component of adult oral healthcare (possibly even more important than for children)

Why the application of Fluoride following a prophy is far more beneficial than over-the-counter rinses and Fluoride in toothpaste

The surprising percentage of adults over the age of 45 with root caries. The research.

What the ADA told the American public about root caries. 

What a Swedish study revealed about adults living in optimal versus low Fluoride areas

The TRUTH about why most dentists and dental hygienists no longer recommend Fluoride for their adult patients

Eye-opening research on comparative hardness of the Cementum versus Enamel

The MATH (PROFIT) associated with doing the best for your patients’ oral health is astounding! Learn how one full-time hygienist can generate over $250,000 in Fluoride revenue over the next five years of practice!

Amy’s story… the lead of 3 hygienists in a large practice in a poor area, Muscle Shoals, Alabama

These 8 words from one of dentistry’s most respected clinician/researchers will help to eliminate “does my insurance cover it?”

How to anticipate a common OBJECTION to FLUORIDE (beyond the out-of-pocket cost!) which if left unresolved will KILL your chances of helping your patients appreciate the need for and accept your recommendation of Fluoride treatment

5 words to tell your adult patients about Fluoride and dental insurance

How to use SOCIAL PROOF to help your adult patients accept and PAY FOR Fluoride

How the “Fluoride Challenge” will help you help your patients save their teeth for life and help you make enough extra cash to send one kid all the way through a good college over the next five years!

2 MUST-USE words which eliminate patients concerns of WHY NOW? Why if this is so important haven’t you been recommending this to me for the last eight years I’ve been coming to see you?!

Why you should NEVER ask an adult patient if they want Fluoride… and what you should do instead.

What I learned from Bill Gove, 1st President of the National Speakers Association, while sitting with Bill for a fireside chat on Walter Hailey’s ranch in Texas… and how this TWO WORD GEM will help immediately and measurably improve your case acceptance not just for Fluoride but will help you improve acceptance for any and all recommended treatment.

Why raising the unspoken objection, “I don’t have recession” will actually increase your Fluoride case acceptance by young to middle aged healthy adults

These 7 Simple Sentences… my “Fluoride Verbal Skills” have used by thousands of hygienists throughout the United States and English-speaking countries around the globe and have been proven effective at gaining an average of 80% acceptance of adult Fluoride paid out of pocket.

2 counterintuitive reasons you’ll want to have your BUSINESS STAFF role play and LEARN my “Fluoride Verbal Skills!”



Increased New Patient Flow and Retention Before Dr. Orent’s program we had a decent flow of about 28 new patients per month. Using his marketing concepts we’re now seeing about 38 new patients per month, and the retention factor on those additional patients has been better than 95%!

Elizabeth’s Story

One of the best “Gems” we incorporated early on was “Elizabeth’s Story.” Dr. Orent teaches your team, your assistants and hygienists how prepare patients to accept best-option quadrant dentistry. And it’s huge financially having money to spend on things that are just fun. It can’t be all work. You do have to have a life outside of dentistry and when you don’t have enough money it makes it a significant challenge to do that.

108 EXTRA New Patients and $831,036 EXTRA Collections Per Year!!!

One of the best parts about our increased income is being able to write your team a big check at the end of the month when you look and find that there’s money at the end of the rainbow! Staff loves it when they get that bonus check.

Dr. Orent’s program has reduced my anxiety significantly to where I’m making much more money, yet I really don’t feel I’m working quite as hard as I used to.

I have used other consultants and had some varying degrees of success with them but I also had some significant disappointments. They all preach a very good story and give you a lot of promises but unfortunately the follow through – how do you make this stuff actually work? I didn’t get it from others I’ve worked with. Dr. Orent, he’s been there, had significant struggles. He’s walked in our shoes. He shares REAL WORLD experience of how he turned his two practices around.

I would urge any dentist interested in improving their practice and their life… to apply for membership in GEMS.


I call this Gem, "How to Double Hygiene Recall."

Although you likely won’t “double” hygiene recall, deploy this Gem and you may EASILY ADD AT LEAST 2 MORE DAYS JAM PACKED HYGIENE per week and an EXTRA SIX FIGURES annual revenue.

Of course, the 2 EXTRA days of hygiene recall patients only accounts for roughly $60,000 revenue. The BIGGER increase, another 2 or EVEN 3 times that comes from the EXTRA RESTORATIVE you’ll diagnose and perform as a RESULT of adding two more days filled with hygiene recall exams!

Hygiene is the engine that drives a successful practice. Discover this simple concept and easily add six figures to your revenue.

Breakthrough revelation regarding “The MATH Behind Hygiene Recall…” How adding just 15 AWOL patients back into your recall schedule each week can result in not just a six-figure revenue jump… but more likely $200,000 or more

How an arbitrary decision by a toothpaste company 40 years ago, still profoundly affects your patients’ health and your financial well-being, and exactly how you can reverse the damage done.

Discover “The 29 Patient Classifications” and know exactly what to say to each patient based upon their medical and dental situations…  Help your patients understand the oral and long-term systemic health benefits of visiting your office more frequently than insurance will cover. 

Once you know “The 29 Patient Classifications,” your patients who should be on more frequent recall will comply even though doing so requires out of pocket expense.

7 Secrets to FILL UP and EXTRA ½ day of hygiene per week… in just 7 days.

Know which of your patients are at highest risk of Peripheral Vascular Disease. Learn the simple verbal skill with which you can ethically persuade them to return for more frequent recall (HINT: 9.3% of your adult patients are at RISK! Knowing who they are will help them and help your practice)

One of the most common diseases in developed countries, “Classification 5” affects up to 26% of adults and places them in a higher risk category for caries and periodontal infection. Patients with this disease require more frequent (e.g. 3 month) professional dental cleanings and thus comprise one of the largest of “The 29 Classifications.”

“Physicians, do no harm.” Patients can suffer the unintended consequences of their Physician’s attempt to correct other unrelated medical issues. They may also be born into “Classification 15” (aka “Classification “X”). The older your patient base the more likely they are to be affected by “Classification X” and the more critical increased frequency of recall becomes.

Today, we must be well versed on the recent Alzheimer’s research as it relates to dentistry and how you and your dental team may play a pivotal role in delaying the severity and onset of Alzheimer’s. Patients with a family history of Alzheimer’s fall into “Classification 29”. 

You may just save your patient’s life. Hear the overwhelming evidence from a well-known major university revealing the alarming magnitude increased risk of heart attacks in patients with periodontal infection vs. the healthy population… and learn exactly how to use this information to help SAVE PATIENT LIVES

A simple effective system for methodically insuring that every adult patient in your practice has been assessed with respect to “The 29 Classifications,” findings and recommendations (e.g. more frequent recall) discussed and appropriate classifications noted in patients’ chart.

The NUMBER ONE REASON patients say they switched dentists (HINT: it’s not insurance!) and how YOU can prevent this from ever happening again in your practice 

The three FATAL FLAWS in your overdue recall calls protocol which render your system ineffective at best. The good news is that the solution is EASY. Every detail will be revealed during this program.

This is a SIMPLE, proven-effective, do-it-yourself fix. Deploy it the day after you learn this Gem. Combined with “The 29 Classifications System” you will need at least 2 more hygiene days (per doctor) to accommodate the increase in recall demand!

Discover the most important secret known by all successful telemarketers…  Simple to apply, this will be THE single most important change you can make in your recall calls which could easily double, even triple their effectiveness

The ONLY way to compensate the person making recall calls to INSURE they are wildly successful bringing back overdue patients. WARNING: When your patient doesn’t have a next visit scheduled in your practice and is already overdue for recall, YOUR patient is AT RISK of becoming YOUR COMPETITIONS’ patient.

Tiny ad I wrote which attracts qualified applicants to fill your recall caller position near instantly!

The strategy I learned from our 911 dispatcher while riding shotgun on Burlington VT Rescue 1 which ensures your recall caller will be able to bring back swarms of overdue patients week in and week out. 

FIVE WORDS TO LEAVE ON VOICEMAIL which GUARANTEE nearly 100% of your overdue patient will call you back! Even the ones who’ve ignored your calls up till now!

When you hear this, you’ll know instantly that it WILL work, and you’ll be using it the day following this training. The value of this one strategy will blow away time and fee invested with me to hear the program!

Magic Phrase which all but guarantees an appointment when you reach an overdue patient who tells you she’d like to come back, but she just don’t know her schedule right now.

Use this word in your opening sentence on the phone and you’ll instantly have your patient’s full attention.

Irony of ironies, once you get all these overdue patients on the phone using our proven-effective Iron Cage Recall Calling Strategy… why you should NOT ask them if they’d like to schedule an appointment!



Before we started working with GEMS our practice was already doing pretty well. But since we were getting on in years and looking towards an exit strategy we decided to work with GEMS to improve our bottom line and our ability to retire comfortably. One of the biggest changes in my life as a result of working with GEMS is the joy in going to work.

In the first year we worked with GEMS our revenue went up 25% which was extraordinary. Since working with GEMS we’ve added at least 2 more hygiene days to our schedule. Marketing in New York City is very difficult and Gems GEMS gave us strategies that actually worked in New York City and we were very pleased to incorporate these strategies into our practice.


The oral-systemic link helped clarify our RESPONSIBILITY to DIAGNOSE and TREAT oral diseases proven detrimental to our patients' overall health and well-being.

My in-depth analysis of over 1,000 practices revealed a giant black hole of phase I perio treatment. If, out of 38 adults you see next week, you diagnose, and your hygienist treats just two more perio phase I cases...

You’ve just improved the odds these two patients will lead healthier longer lives.

Out of 38 adults you see each week, adding just 2 perio phase I patients can result in at least $100,000/year WINDFALL.

Discover our 7-Step Protocol to ensure a successful perio program. 

What to say to your adult Diabetic patient for her to immediately grasp the health necessity of achieving and maintaining periodontal health

How to speak with patients with personal or family history of stroke, TIA, or heart disease pertaining to their need for achieving and keeping their gums truly healthy

The conversation you are ethically and morally bound to have with your patients with a family history of Alzheimer's to give them improved odds to delay onset and potentially lessen the severity of Alzheimer's

A clear-cut protocol indicating WHO should receive full periodontal probing and WHEN

WHY it's imperative that your hygienist is the first one to advise your patient of a periodontal infection (BEFORE you even enter the hygiene room for exam)

A super simple "Decision Line Protocol" you can custom craft in 60 seconds or less to ensure your hygienist knows in any given patient whether or not to discuss their periodontal condition (INFECTION) before you enter the room (examples from which you can "borrow"... a template which will make your life MUCH easier and your PATIENTS' LIVES much HEALTHIER!)

WHY YOU MUST NEVER pay a straight percentage of her production

HOW to get around the fact that NO STATE BOARD ALLOWS a hygienist to diagnose illness or treatment plan needed care

How to SLICE OUT 3/4 of the time normally required for periodontal charting and make your hygienists' life MUCH EASIER without requiring ANY technology NOR the assistance of a 2nd person in the op)

8 sentences your hygienist can learn in 8 minutes proven to QUADRUPLE perio phase I case acceptance... BEFORE you ever enter the room doctor! A “100,000.00 Verbal Skills” lesson!

Why it's CRITICAL to your patients' health and your practice WEALTH that you give your hygienist a piece of the action... but…

How paying a hygienist the usual hourly, or even a percentage of her production can actually LIMIT your ability to help patients achieve optimal health... as well as how ANY/ALL of those outdated models of hygiene compensation will SEVERELY LIMIT YOUR WEALTH!

The MOST COMPELLING GRAPHIC AID when combined with the Perio Verbal Skills I reveal during this program proven effective to measurably increase acceptance of your phase I periodontal recommendation (you’ll get a laminated copy for use in your practice)



It’s amazing being able to pay for my kids’ educations, take more time off, and not worry about the fact that I’m not at work generating money while on vacation.

I couldn’t thank Dr. Tom enough for changing my life to be happy, successful, and relaxed. At this point in my career from where I was a couple of years ago is light years… I owe it to Dr. Tom and his GEMS program and I wouldn’t hesitate one second to give anybody the advice to go ahead and join.


The average quadrant of best-option, complete dentistry runs around $5,000. Whether onlays, implants, crowns or some combination it’s whatever you feel works best in your hands.

What would adding $250,000 per year (just one more quadrant per week) mean to you?

The reason patients say they can’t afford the best care is they simply don’t believe they need the care… at least not right now. There’s no sense of urgency.

Deploying this Gem can help you add $200,000/Year, Work Less & Make More, Regardless of the Economy

How to create a sense of urgency so your patients believe there is a problem they need to fix right now. You’ll be 99% of the way toward moving forward with that care. IF you believe it’s in your patient’s best interest to move ahead with care, then you MUST create a sense of urgency, and this program will show you how. Guaranteed.

How a 78-year-old woman working the graveyard shift at LAX airport and a 11-year old boy convinced me that 95% of your patients can afford best-option dentistry, one quadrant at a time. When you hear the results of the research regarding 11 year-old US school children, you’ll never again hesitate to offer your very best dentistry to each and every patient.

Why an outbreak of Hepatitis C in Worcester, Massachusetts convinced me beyond a shred of doubt that a significant percentage of patients even those in low-paying jobs during tough economic times will accept, schedule and pay for your very best care.

What you can learn from that little toy dog on the shelf in the rear windshield of the car in front of you that will reduce the time you spend in hygiene recall exams and measurably increase acceptance your case acceptance.

Why one of your best technologies can be your worst enemy with respect to new patient acceptance of your recommendations for care, and, one simple change with respect to your use of that technology on your new patients which will actually require less time and result in higher patient retention

The paradox of discussing fees. Why the dentist should never be the one to work out the financial arrangements but should always be the first to discuss fees with your patients. Just the opposite of what we were taught but essential, and you’ll understand why.

One of the most successful case presentation photographs (which will be yours to use with purchase of this Masterclass) ever… and how Jerry (not initially my patient) ended up on my chair late one Friday afternoon of a long holiday weekend.

The seldom mentioned middle step in any effective sales process… the step most often overlooked by dentists recommending care to patients. This step plays a major factor in your ability to motivate your patients to accept your recommendations for care.

The negative unintended consequences of completing all levels and two years of study with one of the most prestigious occlusion and reconstruction continuum available.

3 simple treatment planning rules that will radically decrease the amount of time you spend on your new patient exams while measurably increasing your new patient retention and as a result, your ROI from every ad you ever run from now until the day you hang up your highspeed handpiece.

What a luxury car manufacturer taught us about building trust with new customers, clients, and patients and how that translates into increased acceptance of your best-option lifetime dentistry.

The word-for-word verbal skill I trained my 5 hygienists to say immediately before making patients aware of the need for potentially costly care in the absence of symptoms.

The 7-letter word your hygienist can use to instantly make your asymptomatic patients aware of their immediate and urgent need.

How the use of 2 photos and the psychological “Contrast Principle” actually motivates asymptomatic patients to come to the expressed realization that they need care now.

The very last thing you should say to your hygienist (but intended for the patient’s ears) prior to leaving the treatment room after recommending best-option quadrant dentistry.

Exactly what to say when your patient responds, “I had no idea it would be that much… I don’t think I can afford that right now.”



After almost 15 years in practice I was seeing a decrease in my production and collections.

It was a very big decision to join GEMS but I knew right away, within the very first month that I had made the right decision.

Of a wide range of strategies Tom has to boost the hygiene department, the easiest, nearly instant “Gem” to implement has been the fluoride. Right away just starting off with the fluoride we’ve enjoyed at least 80% of adults accepting and PAYING OUT OF POCKET for Fluoride. And that one Gem begins the first nice boost of your hygiene revenue.

A Surprising Benefit

The one benefit that has come as a surprise to me is I have become a happier person when I get home from work at the end of the day. And it has greatly increased my personality at home with my family.

Pretty much almost immediately after joining GEMS my patients would make comments to my staff as they were leaving such as “Dr. Lane seems so much happier. What is he doing? Why is he so much happier? He wasn’t like this before!”

The best part of GEMS is just knowing that what they do works, period. I don’t have to try something like I used to and say is this going to work. I already know even before trying any of the GEMS systems and strategies… IT’S GOING TO WORK!



They suck the fun and profit out of delivering excellent dentistry. What would it mean if you could attract more FULL FEE-FOR-SERVICE new patients to your practice?

  • REGAIN CONTROL of your fees.
  • Stop PPOs from meddling in your doctor /patient relationship.
  • COLLECT what you PRODUCE!
  • Possibly DOUBLE your NET INCOME while WORKING LESS!

No matter how badly your town and practice are saturated with PPOs, this Gem will show you exactly how to INCREASE YOUR FULL FEE-FOR-SERVICE PATIENT FLOW, your revenue & your TAKE-HOME PROFIT.

The most important move you must make prior to making any decisions regarding leaving even a single network PPO insurance plan.

A common dental insurance error made daily by dental team members which is costing you money and clouding your ability to make appropriate decisions about the plans with which you participate in-network.

How a simple formula developed by a camera company 30 years ago can help you make the right decisions when deciding whether to leave a particular network PPO.

Three critical questions you must ask (and answer) before you leave the network of a single PPO.

How advice from the owner of an envelope company can protect you against a financially catastrophic mistake when deciding to leave one or more PPO network plans.

An untapped source of local companies who would be open to (even enthusiastic about) referring their employees to your practice… a DEEP WELL of brand-new FEE-FOR-SERVICE patients.

How to get a VIP Insiders’ introduction to the decision-makers at these local companies happy to refer their Fee-For-Service new patients to your practice. 

The ultimate hook (ethical bribe) you can offer business owners or HR folks at these local companies which creates a true win-win scenario, motivating them to want to tell their employees about your practice.

One of the most common errors dentists make when deciding whether to offer patients a percentage or flat amount off when reducing a fee (this one is EASY to avoid and will PREVENT what is routinely SIX FIGURES LOST ANNUAL REVENUE.)

Exactly what your team member should say to your otherwise happy patient who tells her that as much as they love you guys, she and her husband “need” to switch dentists since their insurance changed and you are not in-network with their new PPO.

A large (and growing larger) group of folks in your community who don’t have dental insurance, many of whom love to visit the dentist… are just waiting for you to invite them! Who are they?

Now that you know who they are, how do you get access to invite them into your practice?

How to add 10, 20, even 30 EXTRA new patients… in a single afternoon!

Why you should never allow the insurance companies to be the first to inform your patients that you’ll be leaving the network and exactly how to time your announcement to GUARANTEE the evil insurance companies can’t possibly pre-empt you. 

When leaving a plan, the most effective way to notify your patients to mitigate the loss and avoid a mass exodus from your practice.

The personal from the bottom of your heart letter you MUST write to your patients when you’re about to pull the plug on their plan… and the paradox… why you must NEVER mail them the letter!

How to get PPOs to pay you more money than they are ever willing to publicly admit to. 

Why you should never send another pre-determination of benefits and how to convince patients to schedule and move forward with care in the absence of a Pre-D.

How you can LEGALLY give a GIFT FOR REFERRAL from patients EVEN in states which FORBID rewarding referrals with gifts 

The LEGAL WAY to charge your FULL FEE even if you are in-network for your patient’s PPO. How not knowing this may be costing you six-figures LOSS each year… or worse, without this information, your team members may be routinely (although unwittingly) committing insurance fraud.

How to retaliate against the inevitable “drop-down” fee using this KILLER 3-WORD PHRASE, proven to align your patients with you and against the Evil Insurance Empire! 



Thanks to GEMS, we are doing more better dentistry for our patients, there is far less stress every, We take more time off, and we are making more money!

I used to be the average guy in practice. A lot of stress. Thanks to GEMS, today I can sit and ENJOY practicing a lot more. I have more personal freedom now than ever before. GEMS has improved my life tremendously. If you want to get the most out of your practice and your life, I wholeheartedly recommend it.


In most cases, worn enamel is a PATHOLOGIC CONDITION which may lead to degenerative consequences. In this Gem you’ll learn…

1) How to help your patients SELF-DIAGNOSE potentially serious TMJ problems

2) How to help patients understand exactly what is happening to their teeth & TM Joint

3) How to ethically persuade patients of the need to treat this problem now

4) Simple steps to rapidly correct occlusal wear, improve occlusion and STOP further degradation of teeth and joint

5) How to attract a new patients who need and want this type of care! Resulting in healthier happier patients and $50,000 to $100,000 or more revenue per year


How to help patients SELF-DIAGNOSE potentially serious problems with their TM Joints


How in laymen’s terms to help patients understand exactly what is happening to their teeth and TM Joint


How to ethically persuade patients of the need to treat this problem now


Simple steps you can take not only to rapidly and beautifully correct the occlusal wear, but to improve the occlusion and STOP further degradation of the dentition and the joint


How to attract a new patient flow of folks who need and want this type of care! The result? Healthier happier patients and the addition of $50,000 to $100,000 or more revenue per year


Undiagnosed and as of yet untreated enamel wear and pathologic occlusion may be an even LARGER pool of patients than undiagnosed untreated periodontal disease

Regardless of your level of experience diagnosing or treating occlusal disorders by the end of this training you'll be comfortable with a variety of means to help your patients from diagnosis to treatment

The three main reasons most dentists and dental team members fail to diagnose and treat the majority of worn enamel. Once you’ve wrapped your brain around these, you and your team will be well on your way to the easy diagnosis and super simple treatment of $50,000 to $100,000 additional care.

Psychology and marketing experts alike, agree that the FEAR OF LOSS far outweighs the opportunity for gain. You’ll learn the sentence I crafted to instantly transform your unaware patients into patients motivated to take immediate corrective action to correct pathologic enamel and dentin wear.

Mrs. Jones has been coming faithfully to your office every 6 months for 9 years. Learn how to ethically and credibly tell her about this (or ANY) problem without having her wonder if you MISSED this the last several times she was in your chair.

Learn Dr. Pete Dawson’s WARNING SIGNS of instability of the occlusion and dentition. They are simple and can (should) be checklisted by your hygienist at every recall visit.

For just 25 cents you can perform a five-minute differential diagnostic test to determine whether or not occlusal problems are tied to Mrs. Smith’s never-ending nagging headaches.

This simple (but most often overlooked) intraoral muscle palpation will give you instant corroboration if/when pathologic occlusion is cause or contributing to facial and/or headache pain

WARNING: this bony formation should not exist and is a sure sign of severe occlusal disorder (and in some patients a reason NOT to treat)

6 Critical things you knew about occlusion but may have forgotten (or at least be overlooking). Guaranteed you will enjoy (and your patients will benefit by) this super quick simple but accurate review I’ll call “Occlusion 101”

A LAYMANS’ explanation (share this with your patients!) of exactly how certain headaches have a dental component if not etiology. Excerpts from my book, “Freedom from Chronic Pain” which I wrote (initially) to help my patients better understand and accept (own) their occlusal issues.

Let ME tell your patients (through excerpt from “Freedom from Chronic Pain”) that their dental insurance won’t cover certain types of needed occlusal rehabilitative/restorative care.

How to explain in layman’s terms…

  • The TM Joint and muscles
  • How interferences to centric closure cause muscle hyperactivity
  • Inferior joint dislocation caused by posterior premature contact
  • The anatomy of TMJ Pain
  • TMJ Self-Screening Exam

A simple proven effective system to insure you never again overlook these issues during hygiene recall

How to treat anterior incisal edge wear before your patients need (the DREADED) anterior mandibular crowns

Four SIMPLE BASIC treatments that any dentist can perform in order to help a high majority of patients with occlusal pathology

How to use external FSI marketing to attract new patients who desperately need this type of care

How to use internal marketing to increase existing patient awareness and motivate them to ask for this care!



Before I joined GEMS I already had a very busy practice. But I felt there was more I could get out of my practice, and more potential for my patients and team. I wasn’t getting the revenue I was hoping for from practice.

I had heard Tom speak on videos, read one of his Gems books and I knew of his background with Pankey Institute. I have a very similar background. Almost immediately we saw and were reaping the benefits of the GEMS program. The GEMS strategy for presentation of quadrant restorative dentistry has been our biggest advancement in our revenue production since we started.

We have used some of Tom’s hygiene strategies and they’ve helped our patients understand and accept needed care and added to our bottom line tremendously. Some of the hygiene services that Tom has talked about and helped us implement were things we were already aware of but didn’t know how to present properly.

One thing that has really improved our practice is accountability. I sometimes need help and that’s part of why I joined the program. I’ve worked with a few different consultants and this program is head and shoulders above the rest.

GEMS has changed my life and lifestyle.

Tom and his team are ready, willing, and able. There is no better place to get help for your practice!


Learn how to identify and motivate EXISTING patients who may have NEVER EXPRESSED INTEREST in ESTHETIC DENTISTRY.

If you play it safe and don't bring up the question about improving your smile you'll lose out on helping many patients who would have appreciated learning what could be done. If you bring it up with patients who never expressed concern about esthetics, you run the risk of hurting your relationship.

Learn the simple protocol and verbal skills to ensure you will never miss a potential case but cause no harm to your relationship with those who prefer not to talk about esthetics.

Add $20,000 in cosmetic cases in the next 30 days and every month thereafter from existing patients already in your practice.

Some of the most evangelistic raving fan patients are those who’ve undergone LIFE TRANSFORMATIONS by the recreation of beautiful naturally esthetic smiles. You are about to build a small ARMY of Thunderlizzard Evangelistic Raving Fan Patients!

It only takes ONE or TWO “YES!” responses per MONTH from your existing patients for you to add $20,000 in cosmetic appearance related dentistry

Adding one or two cosmetic cases per month translates into an increase of ONE QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS per year!

The vast majority of your existing patients have never “raised their hands” indicating they’d like to discuss having you perform a smile makeover. BUT… If you or your team members were to simply ask these folks if they’d like to improve their smiles, a small percentage of them could be DEEPLY OFFENDED.

TIMING during the visit is AS important if not MORE important than which visit. You’ll learn EXACTLY when to open the discussion.

A critical factor in the success of this strategy is knowing in WHICH VISIT to deploy

The technique I’ll reveal during this program is SO simple and SO consistent, odds are that you will NEVER experience a negative reaction from a single patient… even those who have absolutely zero interest… even from those who asked about it any other way are likely to become agitated (at least) and potentially leave your practice (at worst).

You’ll learn HOW to open the discussion in order to EVOKE INTEREST in some, while avoiding ANY negative feelings from others (HINT: you’ll learn a combination of verbal skills PLUS logistics that are SUPER SIMPLE to deploy and are consistently effective)

Coolest BONUS about this strategy is that in addition to the EXTRA 1 or 2 cases per month you’ll be starting, you INEVITABLY are setting up ADDITIONAL CASES who may say “Maybe but not yet” now and will be a YES at some point not too far down the road!



I had just finished educating the kids and didn’t have very much put aside. My practice revenues stagnated. Annual net was going down and I hated the thought of bankruptcy. There was no way to get out of practicing dentistry until I died.

67 Years Old and I Had No Way Out Financially.

Before joining GEMS I couldn’t even think about retirement. When I started with Tom I had just about nothing put away for the future. Today I have close to $1,000,000.00 socked away for retirement! The best part of GEMS for me is the fact that I could retire now if I want to and I don’t want to. My stress level is zero.

My family life has gotten better because we’re able to spend more time together.

When I first started GEMS I didn’t really expect I would still be here after 6 years.  But I’m still excited and I keep learning, especially with the live Mastermind Retreats. One of the best things has been the feeling of family.

Don’t do it tomorrow.  Do it today!


Whether you want to be rid of ALL your managed care PPO plans or just a few of the worst…

Regardless where you practice or how badly PPO infested your area, you can improve your situation. Your worst PPOs are sucking the life-blood out of your practice. In some instances requiring you to GIVE AWAY FOR FREE as much as 25%... 30% or more off your fees.

Even if you "only" write off 25%... That's equivalent to working for FREE January, February, and March... 25% of your year!

This Gem will reveal exactly how to dump PPOs, KEEP your patients, WORK LESS & MAKE MORE Money.

The most important move you must make prior to making any decisions regarding leaving even a single network PPO insurance plan.

A common dental insurance error made daily by dental team members which is costing you money and clouding your ability to make appropriate decisions about the plans with which you participate in-network.

How a simple formula developed by a camera company 30 years ago helps you make the right decisions when deciding whether to leave a particular network PPO.

Three critical questions you must ask (and answer) before you leave the network of a single PPO.

An untapped source of local companies who would be open to (even enthusiastic about) referring their employees to your practice… a DEEP WELL of brand new FEE-FOR-SERVICE patients. 

How to get a VIP Insiders’ introduction to the decision-makers at these local companies happy to refer their Fee-For-Service new patients to your practice.

The ultimate hook (ethical bribe) you can offer business owners or HR folks at these local companies which creates a true win-win scenario, motivating them to want to tell their employees about your practice.

One of the most common errors dentists make when deciding whether to offer patients a percentage or flat amount off when reducing a fee (this one is EASY to avoid and will PREVENT what is routinely SIX FIGURES LOST ANNUAL REVENUE.)

Exactly what your team member should say to your otherwise happy patient who tells her that as much as they love you guys, she and her husband “need” to switch dentists since their insurance changed and you are not in-network with their new PPO.

How to add 10, 20, even 30 EXTRA new patients…
in a single afternoon!

Now that you know who they are, how do you get access to them  to invite them into your practice?

When leaving a plan, the most effective way to notify your patients in order to mitigate the loss and avoid a mass exodus from your practice.

Why you should never allow the insurance companies to be the first to inform your patients that you’ll be leaving the network and exactly how to time your announcement to GUARANTEE the evil insurance companies can’t possibly pre-empt you. 

A large (and growing larger) group of folks in your community who don’t have dental insurance, many of whom love to visit the dentist… are just waiting for you to invite them! Who are they?

The personal from the bottom of your heart letter you MUST write to your patients when you’re about to pull the plug on their plan… and the paradox… why you must NEVER mail them the letter!

How to get PPOs to pay you more money than they are ever willing to publicly admit to.

Why you should never send another pre-determination of benefits and how to convince patients to schedule and move forward with care in the absence of a Pre-D.

The LEGAL WAY to charge your FULL FEE even if you are in-network for your patient’s PPO. Not knowing this may be costing you six-figures LOSS each year… or worse, without this information, your team members may be routinely (although unwittingly) committing insurance fraud.

How to retaliate against the inevitable “drop-down” fee using this KILLER 3-WORD PHRASE, proven to align your patients with you and against the Evil Insurance Empire!



Tom’s program is literally turnkey.

GEMS helped a lot giving me new ideas that I hadn’t thought of to attract new patients to the practice and to increase production both in hygiene and the doctor’s schedules. Prior to joining GEMS we could only offer my new associate one day per week. Now she’s working two… and we need ASAP to add a third day for her!

I love GEMS’ Mastermind Retreats where we get together with doctors who have already experienced many of the things that you are going through right now… things for which they have already found, and are willing to share solutions. I also enjoy being able to share with them some of the things that I’ve had great success with. That camaraderie has made a big difference in my practice.

The 1st Strategy Covered the Cost of the Entire Program

My team members feel that they have grown in ways they hadn’t been able to before. Using just one of Tom’s strategies right off the bat, our hygiene production jumped by $60,000.00!

The way the program works my team members are accountable. They feel good about the fact that we can all now see the results in a tangible way. Tom’s program has motivated my staff to the point of being excited about our practice and dentistry again.

I’m a Better Leader Now

GEMS really helps you become a better leader and address things in your practice that you may have avoided or not had success with before and it gives you a lot of support in addressing those improvements you want to make in your practice.

If you want to increase your production, you’d like to attract more new patients; if you’d like to bring a lot of fun back into your office, give GEMS a call. Take advantage of their complimentary RoadMap to Success call and see what Tom and his GEMS Coaches’ experience do for your practice. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!


"24 Things Never to Say to a Dental Patient" has rapidly become a top 10 favorite of Gems Family members.

Dentists and team unwittingly say things to patients that can hurt our relationship, decrease the likelihood patients will say yes to care or even stay with the practice long-term.

For example, did you know that there is a 2 word response frequently given to patients by dental team members (and doctors) which not only squanders opportunity but results in just the opposite of what we are trying to say?

Learn WHAT NOT TO SAY and what you SHOULD say instead. Simple changes in verbal skills can make a measurable difference in your bottom-line net profit.

1. The one thing most team members say to patients which could land you in front of your Board of Registration questioning your right to keep your dental license

2. The common phrase I used (but never should have!) right before the first time I tried some new high-tech equipment... causing the patient to JUMP out of the chair only moments later 

3. One word used daily by doctors & team members which could cost you THOUSANDS of dollars in courtesy remakes down the road and endless aggravation 

4. A single word substitution during exam and case presentation instantly improves patient comprehension (and ACCEPTANCE)

5. The single word substitution which changes the entire tone of case presentation from cheesy to professional

6. The IRONY of 2 words oft spoken which unfortunately have the OPPOSITE EFFECT from that which is intended (how to fix it forever) 

7. How to answer the question from your new patient who asks, "How is it possible I have a gum infection when I saw my last dentist every six months and he NEVER told me I had any issues at all with my gums?!" 

8. Exactly what to say to your new patient emergency to ensure they'll WANT to come back for a comprehensive exam

9. What to say when your state board doesn't allow the RDH to diagnose and treatment plan 

10. How to avoid leaving easy money on the table when working out the deposit for a payment plan

12. Two words NEVER to say during ANY phone call

11. 2 words that curdle my blood and fry my hair (if I had any) when discussing periodontal infection with patients

13. The one question NEVER to ask the caller on the phone! 

14. THE one question NEVER to ask when it comes to patient financing 

15. The WORST question (and the MOST COMMON) asked by team when scheduling patients' next visit

16. How to confuse your patients without even trying!

17. When you MUST quote policy...

18. How DETROIT ends up mixed up with patients returning for recare and how to AVOID it altogether

19. The SINGLE WORD spoken by a nurse which caused my mother never to return to her new MD

20. My dad's linguistic pet peeve (mine too now) = squandering opportunity!

21. Why the words "co-payment" should never be mentioned without one additional word preceding them

22. How to be a HERO even if your patient experiences hot or cold sensitivity post operatively!

23. What to say when a patient asks for a day of the week you're routinely closed

24. What to say when a new patient asks for a cleaning before they'll agree to a proper exam and x-rays


Two KILLER COUNTER-RESPONSES to SCATHING BAD Online Reviews. Terrible reviews can wreak havoc on your practice... OR you can use them to CREATE AN AMAZINGLY POSITIVE NEW PATIENT ATTRACTION opportunity for your dental practice!



My practice was failing and we needed to get more new patients. I was having hardships. Living off the charge cards wasn’t very good. I wasn’t able to pay my bills. I had no money but through GEMS program they helped me find strategies that cost little or nothing to implement. These strategies are working for us already. I can predict I’ll be averaging 8 or probably total of 10 more patients per month. Even if these new patients spent just $1,000.00 in the first year, that’s $120,000.00 in my pocket by the end of the year.

We used one of Tom’s many strategies to bring back old patients forgotten about in our recall system. Hygiene production has gone way up. She’s increased $60,000.00 in peril treatment, and, she’s doing adult Fluoride, and has really helped patients with desensitizing agents too.

I didn’t realize how many missed opportunities were right in front of me. My staff now has a completely different attitude. They want to come to work. We are so Happy!!!



A well-designed Team Bonus System plays a critical role giving your team the chance to make more money as a result of helping your patients achieve better health while growing your practice revenue.

Poorly Designed Bonus Systems

The most common issue we see with Team Bonus systems is that they become an "expectation." Your team ends up making more money to do the same or less. A well-designed system rewards only when the team is working hard and helping you increase revenue.


Have the bonus system DONE-FOR-YOU. Take advantage of a COMPLIMENTARY call with “Elizabeth, the engineer!” She’ll EXPLAIN & CUSTOMIZE your TEAM BONUS for your practice. 

Why the majority of Team bonus systems were doomed to fail eventually

Why the most common measurement interval for team bonus systems is flawed, and how it actually works against you and your team.

How the measurement interval in the gems team bonus system encourages continued maximum effort by your team even if you have a bad week.

Why the team bonus system must be calculated based upon adjusted production and not collection.

How to ensure your team is still focused on and held accountable for collecting every possible dollar produced, even when you base your team bonus system upon adjusted production.

The critical payout frequency or percentage of the time your team must bonus in order to keep them highly motivated to constantly help you find ways to help your patients and grow your Revenue.

Why a team bonus system that includes the BAM formula is doomed to become an expectation and thus fail to motivate your team for the long term.

The story of my friend Mike when he was just 6 years old spending the summer on his grandfather's Farm... and the takeaway lesson paradigm shift which will help you motivate your team especially during difficult Economic Times.

How to account for times when you may take extra time off work for continuing education or vacation... and the potential negative effect on your teams bonus.

Whether or not part-time employees should be included in the team bonus system and why most doctors get this wrong.


